
What is OpenID?

OpenID is a decentralized authentication system which allows users to sign in to different services with a single ID.

To visit web sites that support OpenID, you do not have to remember the multiple username and password combinations.

DBCLS OpenID supports the OpenID 2.0 authentication protocol. See the OpenID Foundation website to learn OpenID more.

Sign Up

  1. To get your DBCLS OpenID account, go to the "Sign Up" page.

  2. Fill in the required items.

  3. Check the checkbox after reading Terms of Service and push the "Sign up" button.

  4. Your account is created if the following page is shown.

    If there is some problem in your input, the following error page will be shown.

  5. To activate your account, access the URL shown in a confirmation mail automatically sent to the email address you registered.

Sign In

  1. To sign in, go to the "Sign In" page.

  2. Submit your account and password, and push the "Sign in" button.

  3. If there is no problem in your submission, the following page is shown.

Sign Out

  1. Click the "Sign Out" link to sign out.

  2. Then you can sign out.

Changing your email information

  1. Go to the "Account Management" page.

  2. Input a new mail address, push the "Change Email Address" button.

  3. New email address is registered temporarily.

  4. To finish changing your email address, access the URL shown in a confirmation mail automatically sent to the new email address .

  5. See if your new email address is changed in the "Account Management" page.

Changing your password

  1. Go to the "Account Management" page.

  2. Input a current password and a new password, and push the "Change password" button.

  3. After finishing, the message "Password successfully updated." is shown.

When you forget your password

  1. Go to the "Sign In" page, and click the "Do you forget your password?" link.

  2. Fill in the required items, and push the "Send" button.

  3. A mail including the URL to reset your password is sent to your email address.

  4. Access the URL, and input new password.

  5. Push the "Reset your password" button.

  6. Then the new password becomes valid.

Suspending your account

  1. Go to the "Account Management" page.

  2. Go to the "Suspend Your Account" page.

  3. You can see the following page.

  4. Fill in the required items, and push the "delete Account" button

  5. Then your account is suspended.
    Write down a reactivation code if you need.
    The code is also sent to your email address.

Reactivating your account

  1. Go to the "Sign In" page, and click "Reactivate Your Account" link.

  2. Input your account and the reactivation code obtained when you suspended your account, and push the "Send" button.

  3. Then you can use your account again.

Seeing your OpenID

  1. After signing in, your OpenID is shown at the top left area.

  2. If you click your OpenID, the page for an OpenID authentication will be shown.

Authentication by using your OpenID

You can use your OpenID of DBCLS OpenID for any services that support OpenID.

  1. Input "" to a login form for OpenID. Note that "" is not valid. Use "https://"

  2. If you have not signed in the DBCLS OpenID service, the "Sign In" page is shown.

  3. Input your password.

  4. The DBCLS OpenID system requires to make sure that you want to log into the requesting service.

    The following page is shown when you visit the requesting service for the first time or you set your settings to make sure every time.

  5. Push the "Allow Once" button after you see the information of the requesting service.

    You can push the "Always Allow" button to allow whenever the requesting service asks.

    If you find any problem in the information of the requesting service, push the "Deny" button to stop the authentication.

  6. A service may ask your information like your email address.

    That looks the following page.

Changing the status for authenticated sites

You can see authenticated sites by OpenID.

You can change the status determined when the site was authenticated.

  1. Go to "Authenticated Site Management" page.

  2. You can see information of web sites authenticated before.

    If the status is "Deny", the DBCLS OpenID service ask you whether you allow or not. If the status is "Allow", the DBCLS OpenID service does not .

    See "Authentication by using your OpenID" also.

  3. To change the status, click the "Change" link.

    The status will be changed from "Deny" to "Allow" or from "Allow" to "Deny" when you click the link.

Seeing history

You can see your history of the usage of your OpenID account for one month.

  1. Go to "History" page.

  2. You can see the dates of signing in or signing out.

    You can also see the dates of authentications by using OpenID.